I'm sure there are
more than last summer.
-What are you doing?
-It's grown.
Don't you see
it's bigger?
So what?
Women love that.
It means brawn, viriIity
and strength.
-So that's that.
A big appIe means other things...
and women notice.
WeII, my feet have grown.
No one sees your feet.
But this, yes.
When you go to a bar...
and have a drink,
girIs notice it.
Come on, it's Iate.
We can taIk tomorrow,
it's very interesting.
Don't scoff at me, smarty!
It is interesting.
Anyway, why the hurry?
We must arrive earIy
to catch some fish...
-for Marianne to cook.
-I want a hamburger.
-You're here!
Since when?
About 2 weeks.
-You hairdo's different.
-You Iike it?
-It's cooI.
-It's very nice.
-I'm EIena.
-Don't you remember him?
I hardIy saw you
Iast summer.
Where are you going?
-At the port.
-The port?
What do you fish?
Everything, Iike squid,
musseIs, prawns.
MainIy prawns.
I'm at the bar with Berta,
my cousin, remember?
Your IittIe cousin?
Not so IittIe now.
We're a bit short on time.