-I remember you.
-I don't.
I was ugIy...
and aIways stayed at home.
You want a smoke?
I have grass.
Am I ever thirsty!
-You got boyfriends?
-Not now.
-EIena does.
-More or Iess.
-And Manu?
-Who's Manu?
Those are my brother's.
He gave them to me before
going to coIIege.
He'II be staying in
America another year.
We couId go see him.
-If I go, I won't come back.
It's the horses.
I Iove horses.
-Have you finished your noveI?
-Not yet.
-When can I read it?
-When I've finished.
Dani, we'll have to
decide about those girIs.
From experience...
What experience?
From experience,
we can't bIow it.
They've got to know
we've got it cIear.
We have to be in controI
from the beginning.
You prefer EIena, right?
I never thought about it.
You have to think
about those things.
EIena's on the make,
that's evident.
Berta isn't my type...
but has a nice
pair of tits.
She's a chiId, though.
We can't do anything.
Why not?
That's illegaI,
she's a minor.
No, Nico, it's iIIegaI
if you're an aduIt.
You and me are minors.
You're a minor too.