We can fuck whoever.
Me too.
How about a Krampack?
These days, when I
needed a Krampack...
I found a trick.
Put your hand
under your ass.
-We Iook Iike jerks.
-Just wait a bit.
You have to wait a whiIe.
If not, it doesn't work.
Don't you feeI a tingIing?
Like pins and needIes?
No circuIation in your hand.
If you wait...
it's as if it weren't yours.
As if someone else
were jerking you off.
Berta, for exampIe.
lt's Iike a Krampack.
I tried to suck mine,
and aImost made it.
I'm reaIIy gIad
you're here.
Who do you think's doing it?
I don't know.
For me, it's the TV
I'II turn the Iight off.
Can we sIeep in the
trailer tomorrow?
There are too many mosquitoes.
Dani, here's some advice.
Shut up, you distract me.
When you order brandy,
don't order BaiIeys...