Dani toId me.
Dani wants to be a writer,
and isn't bad at aII.
Is he aIone at home?
No, with a friend...
and I'lI say no more.
About what?
Good-bye, JuIian.
Go have breakfast.
Sonia, I'II call you.
Arturo is coming and
I'II cook something.
-You're up earIy.
l'd Iike to finish
cIass earIy today.
I'm going out.
I'II pay you the same.
Some coffee?
l made it for you.
Where'd you meet Nico,
at high schooI?
No, at grade schooI.
I have a schooI
friend too.
-Were you cIose?
-Like you two.
You still see her?
A bit.
Rafa works with her husband
and we go out together.
Are you stiIl good friends?
not Iike before.
Iet's continue.
Listen to the song
and transIate it.
Are you there?