I found Dad's teIescope.
Want to set it up?
What are you doing?
I'm going out with EIena.
WeII, Iater on then.
Later you see better
pIanets and aII that shit.
Where are you going?
I dont' know.
I'II meet her.
On the beach.
Her family has
a cabin there.
And what are you going to do?
I don't know...
We're going to screw.
She toId me so.
Why didn't you teII me?
Cause you'd get pissed off.
No, why shouId I?
You shouId know.
Well, l don't.
On the contrary...
I hope you'II have a good
time and screw a lot.
Dani, we'll go hunting tomorrow.
Don't treat me Iike
an idiot.
Each one makes
his own decision.
Like we've aIways done.
Cause we're friends, right?
I think so.
-So that's that.
-So that's that.
Fuck that!
What's the matter?
I don't know.
Open the door,
I've got cIaustrophobia.