Nirgendwo in Afrika

I couldn't remember Germany.
I only knew there's snow and 4 seasons.
And that our family was there.
Everyone, not just mum and dad. Everyone.

And that I liked that.
But I know as well that I was always afraid of something.
Of the other children, of the people on
the streets. I was even afraid of dogs.

Oh come on, I'll help you.
Germany is a dark place for me.
Not so light and hot as Kenia.

A place with big buildings
and gloomy rooms.

Dad says that Germany is our home.
I guess he misses his own father.

My grandfather. He's allergic to nuts
And was not allowed to eat nut cookies .

He liked Heinrich Heines poems.
Especially those about Germany.

I had two aunts there too,
I really like them
