Walter, open your mouth!
Excuse me, I have to open
the door. Hold on!
Aunt Jettel, is there still some apple
juice left?
Anna! Im glad that you came.
Rudolf come in.
Good evening, Miss Redlich.
You shouldnt talk to them!
Anna, hello.
Hi, Ina.
Hubert, Jürgen! Stop playing with fire!
You will light up the whole building.
Sure, Klara.
Here. Bite this
You will have to get used to this
The negros eat everything burned.
Or raw and bloody!
But they eat dogs!
I know that from my geography book.
They eat grasshoppers too. Hold him!
What do you want in Africa?
You dont even dare to touch
a dog.
Does this food contain nuts?
This was the only thing I could get, Mister Redlich!
But, Klara.
There are not that many nuts in it!
Because you have to sneeze, right?
Every god damn time.
I loved the green. Walter bought
it on New Years Eve.
But actually it doesnt suit me anymore.
Then take it.
Youre an angel, Jettel. Thank you.
Käthchen. No tears, ok?
Stay to your ass, Liesel.
Thats how men like it.
- A letter for you.
- For me?