I dont want to see reality.
But I want a grown up wife,
who I can talk to!
I have to put it past me. My dad, Liesel....
Shut the fuck up!
Sometimes I think we are 2 parcels.
Wrapped up together in a train
with unknown destination.
Nobody knows what the other one contains.
You think too much.
Soon we started to get used to the hotel.
Every day our mothers and us took
a walk in he shadow and thought
what we were going to get for lunch.
If we could just spend a couple
of hours outside.
Inside you get insane.
Mum, Im hungry!
You are all Jews, arent you.
Why dont you just write a letter
To your community in Nairobi!
They still have something to say
in this country.
Soon the government figured out that
not all the Germans are with Hitler.
2 weeks later we could visit the
husbands in the camp.
With the brown uniforms it was hard to see
who was British and who was German.