Nirgendwo in Afrika

That's very expensive.
But still. I order it!
As soon as she's in the house those
people will carry her out again!

This woman wants to die out here.
That's how tradition demands it.
It's ok Memsaab.
My mother won't die alone.
We're all with her. She isn't afraid.
From now on you can count your days.
They call it “Operation J”.

The reorganization of the African forces
They really take Germans?
They have a good Chance to get in.
Just don’t tell them that you are
bored and need something else.

They want to hear that you can’t wait
to fight for the right side.

And Jettel?
I can’t believe that I get another chance in this war.
What’s up with you?
It’s not my war.
I don’t give a shit about Germany!

I won’t go to Nairobi with you.
I stay here with Owuor.
That’s my final decision.
