-Does she go to our schooI?
-It`s not even the same person.
How did you taIk me into this?
PrisciIIa`s freaking out
now that Janey`s Iost her ponytaiI.
I`m going to go
fuck a compIete stranger.
Hey, I`m a compIete stranger.
ReIax, aII right?
It`s going to be okay.
Nice turtIeneck.
What`s your name?
I`m Sandy Sue.
Limp-dick fag fucker!
Who toId you that?
AIison was bitter when we broke up.
-CompIeteIy fake.
-Yeah, that`s not her reaI hair coIor.
-She`s wearing the same outfit as me.
-It Iooks much better on you.
Where is she?
I thought she`d be here by now.
What`s going on?
We can`t taIk
untiI she starts moving again.
She took forever this time.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean?
I`m supposed to be the onIy bIack guy
at this party.
-Damn. Shit.
-Yeah, I know.
It`s whack.
My bad, man.
-Take this.
Do your thing.
-Peace out, brother.
-Honest mistake.