WeII, bombs away.
No, no, no, anyone but her!
Not Janey Briggs.
Guys, she`s got gIasses
and a ponytaiI.
She`s got paint on her overaIIs!
What is that?
There`s no way
she couId be prom queen.
Damn, that shit`s whack.
Aim for the head!
Can you imagine
what they do in there?
HoIy cow.
Guys, get your heads
out of the gutter.
It`s a Iocker room.
It`s no sexier in there...
...than it is in here.
MoIIy, can you heIp me
take off my panties?
HoId on, I`ve got Iotion
on my hands.
That`s okay.
You can just use your mouth.
Thanks, Miss Peters.
...who wouId Iike to share their poem
with the cIass?
Mr. KeIIer? Over here.
Right here. PIease.
PIease pick me.
I`m the one.
-``Ten Things I Love About Janey.``
-Oh, not again.
By Ricky Lipman.
I love it when Janey talks
I love it when Janey walks
I love it when Janey drinks
I love it when Janey blinks