Over here?
What are you doing?
Over here!
We Iove you, Marty!
Set, hut!
No. No.
No, don`t throw it to me.
-Nice hands, Marty!
-I did it.
-I`m a hero!
-WaIk it off!
AII right, goddamn it!
Hit the showers, goddamn it!
Bunch of candy-asses.
Lousy practice!
We`II get our asses kicked Friday!
What about fourth-string?
I didn`t get to practice.
After aII the shenanigans
you puIIed Iast season...
...thank God you`re stiII
in goddamn uniform, goddamn it!
If my parents hear I got detention,
no dessert for a week.
We`ve disgraced ourseIves
and our famiIies.
I sense the moraIe`s a IittIe Iow.
I say we make a pact...