I want you.
Catherine, that`s disgusting.
You`re my sister.
OnIy by bIood.
-What is wrong with this famiIy?
-Hey, do you want my heIp or not?
There are three things
you need to do...
...to have Janey
eating out of your hand.
First, you earn her trust.
Come on, Ieave him aIone!
Hey! Come on, guys, back off.
That`s enough, okay?
You IittIe shit.
Don`t you guys mess with him again.
Once you`ve got her trust,
it`s time to make her feel special.
Pick a song with her name in it.
That always works.
She`s got a gun!
Janey`s got a gun!
Take it easy, miss.
-Get back here!
HoId her down.