You guys shouId hit the road.
I`m taking your Ferrari
to buy hookers.
We`II caII you Iater to check in.
I`II be so high,
I won`t know where the phone is.
That`s my boy.
Jake, what are you doing here?
I`m taking you to Preston`s big party.
I can`t.
I`m not dressed to go to a party.
I`m a compIete mess.
I`d say you`re one big fucking
train wreck.
Do I know you?
That`s it. I`ve got it.
It might seem crazy,
but you`II have to trust me.
That`s it.
I did it. I`m a miracIe-worker.
...may I present to you
the new and improved...
...Janey Briggs.