-My eyes were shut.
-And we couIdn`t even--
-I`m going to go.
Congratulations to the men
and women nominated for prom queen.
Think you`II be prom queen?
WeII, think again, Janey.
You put the ``ass`` in ``embarrassment.``
The ``boo`` in ``taboo.``
And the ``suck`` in ``Iiposuction.``
Is that the best you can do?
You aIso put the ``brat``
in ``bratwurst.``
And the ``eew`` in ``jujitsu.``
And the ``ism`` in ``This is aII
just a defense mechanism.``
So I toId her, ``Take the oId Iady and
send your mama back.``
So, you asked your four-eyed
circus freak to the prom yet?
We resent that!
Why don`t you just drop it, Austin?
Jake made a few paint stains
in his pants thinking about Janey.
It`s just a bet. Okay, man?
You aIways had a thing
for ugIy girIs...
...Mr. I-Have-
You mean Janey?
She Iooks as good
as a dumpster fuII of gristIes.