Wham, bam! What the fuck
just happened?
Okay, WyIer, I`ve got no choice.
You`re the onIy quarterback I`ve got.
-I say give the ball to Marty.
-l`m just happy being on the field.
-You`ll always wonder, ``What if?``
-l`m a hero!
Goddamn it! Get in the game!
You`re our onIy chance!
-You`re a pussy, WyIer!
-Do it for Marty`s torso!
You got butterfIies, huh?
Who are you?
I`m the wise janitor.
I impart knowIedge
and heIp overcome fears.
I aIso repIace the urinaI cakes.
I`m here to heIp you
get your throw back.
-How did you--?
-I`ve been watching.
During practice, in the haIIways,
in the Iockers, taking a shower...
...whipping boys with a wet toweI.
-Can teII you kind of Iike that.
-Hey! Let`s get back to the throw.
What happened to Marty
wasn`t your fauIt.
Okay, it was.
But you got to get over it.
It couId`ve happened to anybody.
Anybody that disobeyed the coach
and the team...
...and threw to a 90-pound kid
who shouIdn`t have been on the fieId.
Stop! How is any of this
supposed to be heIping me?
Right. Forget what I said.
You got to go out there, beIieve
in the baII and throw yourseIf.
You can do it.