
A person can lose a lot of things.
He can lose his soul.
He can lose his life.

But I've always said the worst thing
a man can lose is his teeth.

It's true.
I should know.

Are you listening to me, Mike?
Because I'm dead serious here.

- Come on, Mike.
- I am definitely not pleased.

- You haven't been flossing, have you?
- Frank, I have been trying.

Jean, hit the video.
I want to record this.

Okay, Doctor.
This is the new inter-oral camera
we've been using. I love it.

- Why is it in that box?
- Fireproofing.

All our data is fireproofed
for the insurance company.

I know it's expensive,
but it's not a toy.

Now, eyes on the monitor.
I want to show you something.

- Relax, Mike. Breathe.
- Move that tongue out of the way.

Other way.
Out of the way.

- Mike, just unroll it.
- Unroll it, Mike.

Now, here's the problem area.
This tender?

How about here?
That's what I thought.
Let's set him up for a temporary on 21.

- We'll fix him up next week.
- Booked solid.

- How about two weeks Tuesday?
- Fine. Slide me the tank, please.

And by the way, you know that
malpractice insurance we talked about--

I know. You told me. You moved
everything into the new corporation.

This way you're totally protected.
The house, the practice,
the money market accounts.

- You told him that.
- Hold on.

The beauty of this thing is
all of your holdings...

are protected
under the new corporation.

Just relax. I promise
not to drill too deep.

- Come on.
- Too deep? Wait a minute.
