It's too bad,
because they're already gone.
Yeah, fuck!
Jesus, you're stupid. Jesus Christ!
Wait a minute.
I don't ever, ever
want to see you again, okay?
Because if I do-- If I do,
I'm gonna have to hurt you, okay?
You understand? You understand.
I'm gonna take your pen, okay?
I can't believe you lied to me.
I didn't know if you'd believe me.
You'd think I'd suspect you
of stealing drugs?
I didn't know what you'd think.
All I know is...
the narcotics were there
the day before.
So you lied to me...
and then you went to this girl's
hotel room to threaten her?
I didn't threaten her. I told her
I wanted the narcotics back...
or I was gonna go to the cops.
Why didn't you just call them
from the start?
You know what happens
when you bring in the cops.
Suddenly the thing spins out of control.
I'm trying to protect my license.
- You're in some kind of trouble, right?
- No, I'm not.
How many times do I have to tell you
I'm not in trouble?
Come on.
- That guy really scared me today.
- I know.
That pissed me off.
We're never gonna see that guy again.
I promise you that.
- I'll call you tonight.
- Be careful.
- Bye.
- Be safe, Frank. Seriously.
Look, I'm just a dentist.
I'm just a dentist.
Look, I'm just a dentist.
Look, I don't think
we should see each other anymore.
I don't think we should see each other--
Look, just--
Just don't-- Okay.
Your brother came by
my office today.
I guess you told him
about me coming here.
Bad day today.
Really bad day.