Will you still recognize him?
- I hope so.
Is that him?
Goodafternoon ladies.
Hello, Sjoukje.
- Hello, Durk.
Clara van Loon.
- Durk Hartmans, it's a pleasure.
So you two were in a cradle together?
On the farm?
Or the vicarage, Sjoukje?
On the farm..
- Yes, in a cradle.
Oh, how delightful.
I think...
This shouldn't be, Sjoukje.
How can you let this boy...
Heavens!. Now you don't have anyone
for tomorrownight.
What did you do?
Sjoukje, there's a visitor for you.
I'm sorry to intrude like this.
Pieter Jelles Troelstra is my name.
Clara van Loon's brother told me...
Let me get right to the point.
I have the honour to invite you to the
springball of the Vindicat studentfraternity.
My lady was inhibited.
And l was told you we're suddenly available also.