I walk around in a dream
completely off this world
a wonderflower drugged me
with wonderfully sweet scents
now l sing an whistle in the sun
and laugh with no hold.
oh extatic son of the heart
you sweet, young beloved
For you.
We dine outside the city.
I had found him. And he found me.
He was the best, the only one.
Pieter Jelles Troelstra fullfilled
my dream of love and friendship.
We belonged together.
We we're always with eachother.
I went everywhere he went.
That didn't change when
l became a mother.
We treated eachother as equals..
An old lady ran to the potato-field
as hard as she could.
Manus, Jansje, come quick. There's
a Stork on the roof, with a little child.
And there is no-one
to open the door.
It'll drop the baby.
It happened to Siemen once.
The child now has a bump.
I like 'hunchback' better than 'bump'.
As you wish. It's your story.
And? Do you like it?
Fine. I can't say otherwise.
I wrote something else
to introduce you.
Readers have often asked me...