How dare he, goddammit.
- Don't swear.
Do you know what that means?
Being Fired! Poverty!
Poverty was not so bad.
If there is no more perspective,
when the worms get into the wood...
...only then everything is lost.
Keep the faith, l said to myself.
Keep going.
We will get through this.
It's like she doesn't want the baby.
MissesTroelstra, what do you want.
Will you do it yourself, or shall l deliver it?
I've been busy for four hours.
If nothing is happening, l will leave.
If you leave now,
l will see you in court!
Then l know a great Lawyer.
- Gratis l bet.
Then let's deliver it.
If she makes it,
you can thank God on your knees.
She won't survive another baby.
No more children, Troelstra.
Get me some clean water.
It took months to recuperate.
Soon Pieter Jelles was
gone again for weeks.