He felt it was good for me
to meet some new people.
The aristocratic Cornélie Huygens
celebrated her birthday.
A rich and sucessful novellist.
A member of the party board,
just like Pieter Jelles.
- Cornélie.
- Pieter.
Good of you to come.
Did you come alone?
- No
Sjoukje, how wonderful
to finally meet you.
Piet told me so much about you.
- He did?
He also talked about you.
I will read your novels soon.
I wouldn't read them all
if l were you.
But you should read her
latest articles and pamflets.
Those are worth reading.
Aren't they, Piet?
Is he always this honest to you too?
- Cornélie.
Johanna, excuse me.
A wait...These are Henri
and Nelly van Kool, whom l mentioned.
Henri van Kool.
Pieter how nice to see you again.
- How nice to finally meet you.
-If it works out we'll be in parliament in 6 months.
Say have you seen Bahlman already?
Yes, he's over there.
Oh.. Pardon me.
- Van Wijngaarden.
- That's Bahlman, a German textile mogul
who financially supports the party.
He's divorced but is somewhat
charmed by Cornélie.
But it seems that she doesn't like
a steady commitment.
May l introduce you?
Mr. Bahlman?
This is my wife.
- Very pleased to meet you.
How wonderful of you to support the movement.
You can thank this wonderful lady for that.
She is very enthusiastic about your husband.
- Mr. Bahlmann is a flatterer.
Come Piet, l want you to meet someone.
Master Folte,
the publisher of my new book.