On the Line

Yeah, sure.
What, am I going to get
a little demonstration?

Uh-huh. A little demonstration.
Thank you.

That's very impressive.
Thank you.
It's my own design.

All right,
this is my favorite spot.

-So, you've done this before?
-Many times.

-You ready?
-I guess.

Here we go.
Strong takeoff. Smooth flight.
Excellent paper airplane.
ABBEY: Thank you.
Oh! Ha ha ha!

KEVIN: But I think your
landing needs a little work.

Yeah, a little.
All right, don't think
you're getting off so easy.

-It's your turn.
-I don't know. Um...

Let's see. Uhh.
OK. You're totally
going to think I'm lame...

but I can name
all the presidents in order.

Washington, Adams,
Jefferson, Madison...

Monroe, Adams,
Jackson, Van Buren...

Harrison, Tyler, Polk,
Taylor, Fillmore...

Pierce, Buchanan,
Lincoln, Johnson, Grant...

Hayes, Garfield, Arthur,
Cleveland, Harrison...

McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft...

Wilson, Harding, Coolidge,
Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman...

Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson...
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,
Bush, Clinton, Bush.

-Ha ha!

OK, I think we're the only
two people in the world...

who can do that
at the same time.

I think you may be right.
[Laughs] OK, that's amazing.
Um, I got to catch
the connecting train.

Right. Um...
Well, listen,
it was a pleasure...

commuting with you.
Yeah, it really was.
