On the Line

who you haven't seen
in over a month.

That deserves a "phenomenal"
or at least an "exceptional"...

but definitely not
just a "fine." What is up?

I found a great apartment
in Lakeview.

It's right by Wrigley...
and I can move in
right after graduation.

But I thought that...
that you and Paul
were going to move in together.

I don't know, Sam.
Everything is so different.
I met a guy on the train.
You met a guy on the train?
Yes. He was so cute,
and he was so nice.

And he totally listened to me.
We connected more
in five minutes...

than I have with Paul
over the past year.

Ha ha!
Abbey. Ha ha!
Well, you already know

so let me introduce the new
member of my creative team...

Kevin Gibbons.
And may I say that my team
has come up with a campaign...

that I feel you will all agree
has universal appeal.

So, without any further ado...
allow me to present...
And the tag line is...
"Reebok--step into the future."
[Crickets chirping]
-It's a little, uh, cold.

We were hoping
for something more lively...

with a little more depth.

Actually, we totally agree.
That's why l--we came up
with something so fabulous.
