On the Line

Gibbons. Oh ho ho!
Oh, Gibbons...
why don't you just offer
a reward?

Like with a lost puppy?
Ha ha ha! Oh!
Oh, son, it's so sad.
You've gotten it
all bass-ackwards.

Look, first
you get the power...

then you get the money...
and then you buy the love.
Oh. Gibbons, please.
Don't be a dummy.
[Phone beeps]
Reebok's on the line.

Could you ask them to hold,

Focus on the job at hand.
Money makes the world
go around...

and anyone that tells you that
money is the root of all evil--

Doesn't have any.

WOMAN: Are you talking to
the young man from the train?

WOMAN: We'd like him
to head up the creative team.


WOMAN: Reebok can use people
with his kind ofpassion.

Gibbons, ignore everything
I've ever told you.

ANNOUNCER: Now batting,
second baseman Eric Young.

ERIC: Straight from the oven
ofyour mama's house.

-I'll take a bag.
-There you go, fella.

Yo, what's up, fellas?
What's up? Man,
No-Action Jackson over here...

keeps talking about
the girl from the train.

Man, are you serious? Would you
cut it out already, dude?

You're like the poster boy for
the romantically challenged.

Hey, yo, this guy needs a date.
Hey, anybody read
the newspaper today?

This is the guy
from the train...

who put up that poster
trying to find that girl.

-Would you shut up?
-Oh, that's so romantic.

-I have a daughter.
-Oh, yeah? Does she eat meat?

ANNOUNCER: Now batting...
I don't know
why I tell you guys anything.

ANNOUNCER: Fred McGriff.
