We could stand here all night
and play "he said, he said."
-Shh! Shh!
-[Record scratches]
Yes? Oui, madame.
Vous etes francaise?
Yeah, yeah,
he's got a french girl!
[Sheep baas]
OK, think of something French.
ROD: Le pou-pou de mama?
Uh...yeah, sure.
-Eric! Line one.
Patch it through now.
Hello, this is Kevin.
Hello? [Beep]
That sounded like a dude.
-That was strange.
Why are you reading this?
I don't know.
I thought you'd appreciate
that I'm into your articles.
Look at this.
All these pathetic women
want to meet this guy.
People are lonely.
Anyway, I think the notion
of someone finding true love...
is--is beautiful!
And I hope she calls him.
What is your obsession
with this guy?
I'm obsessed?
Well, you do understand...
that the whole notion of love
is merely a myth.
It was invented by corporations
to turn a profit.
-Love doesn't exist.
-That's romantic.
-Romance doesn't exist.
-I feel sorry for you.
What, you think he's romantic?
That loser's just putting up
posters to meet more girls.
-You're just jealous!
-[Door slams]
If you like him so much,
why don't you call him?