You made my heart stop.
Feel my heart. Feel how fast it's beating?
You'll be the death of me.
I hope so.
Places, please.
Ladies and gentlemen, places for act two.
Take me home now.
My own dearestsister.
I can't understand why you treat me thus.
Itis many weeks now since you left.
In all that time, no word from you
to tell me ofyoursafe arrival...
...whetheryou met Mr. Vargas,
whether the marriage has taken place.
What am I to think?
I have contacted the embassy in Havana...
...and the authorities there in Santiago.
I know how you feel about her, but...
...you have to write.
You have to,
before she has the police on us.
You're right. I've been unkind to her.
Although she has never been kind to me.
Just do it.
Do it, and then it's done.
No, no, no!
It's all right. It's me, Luis.
You were dreaming.
Are you all right?
That's it.
You were just dreaming.
It's all right.