Veruje, da je kava greno zadovoljstvo,
pa sem se pretvarjala da se strinjam.
Brala je vsa moja pisma tebi,
pa nisem mogla biti vedno iskrena.
Veliko razlogov, da jih pozabi.
Vse je poleg tebe.
Kako misli?
O Èem?
Misli, kot misli moja sestra, ...
...da je uivanje greno?
That was my sister.
She believed coffee to be a sinful
pleasure so I pretended to agree.
She read all my letters to you,
so I could not always be truthful.
All the more reason to forget them.
That's all behind you.
What do you think?
About what?
Do you believe as my sister does...
...that pleasure could ever be sinful?