Papa Muntz wanted you
to run this mountain.
Yeah. Carpe the diem!
Seize the carp.
- "Seize the carp"?
- What?
Make sure you bundle up,
'cause it is freezin' out there, okay?
Hey, Toby.
Let me check your boots.
- You're good now.
- Thanks, Jenny.
- You're welcome.
Hey, Jenny, um, do you think
you could tie up my boots?
Stewart, I-I think you can
do up your own boots.
Well, you know, I kinda like
the way you do it.
- Okay, how 'bout I do up one
and you do the other?
- Cool.
- The rabbit and the moose was fast...
- Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
- I can do without the song, you know?
- I kinda like the song, Stewart.
- What's up, Rick?
- What's up, dude?
Get outta here.
You're welcome.
You're pretty good
with these kids, Jenny.
- Yeah? I seem to have a thing
for immature boys.
- Ouch.
At least Stewart has his act
together enough to ask me out.
I think we're checking out a movie
right after his nap time. Yes.
Well, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Would you, um...
- Would I...
- Would you like to have dinner
with me tomorrow night?
I'm sorry. It sounded like you were
askin' me out on a date.
We could meet at the inn.
Say 8:00?
- Yes.
- Right now I have to go
seize the carp.
- Wish me luck.
- I'll see you there.
- Mornin', Mr Majors.
- Oh, please, please.
My daddy was Mr Majors.
Actually, he was Mr Mankowitz.
Just call me John.
Okay, John.
Well, where do you wanna start?
- Most people can't do
the whole mountain in one day.
- Yeah, well, I ain't most people.
You try and keep up there, hotshot.
Hey, Pig Pen. You ever been on
one of those lesbian chat rooms?