Out Cold

I'm sorry. I just...
Believe me, I had to.

Why? Some other guy come
sweep you off your feet?

- You were the other guy.
- I don't understand.

I'm engaged.
I was engaged when I met you.

And I love him, Rick.
I really do.

And when I met you...
I don't know. I just...
I fell in love with you, too, I guess.
I didn't know what to do.

Ay! It's no problem.
Don't worry about it.

You know, I had, like, ten other
engaged chicks fall for me that week,
too, so I barely even...

- Which one were you, the brunette?
- Please, I wanted to say goodbye
to you and tell you everything...

but when the time came to do it...
I didn't think I'd be able to,
so I left.

But I really did fall for you.
That's why I left.

Well, there. I said what I had to say,
so, uh, I'm going now.

Look. I'm sorry too, okay?
For being a prick.

You know, it's just that I was
a little, you know, bummed out.

I deserved it.
It's okay.

You did.
- You want some coffee or something?
- That would be really nice.

Yeah! Ooh, yeah!
All this making up
is a lot of fun.

But I'm ready. How do...
How do you say to schlafenszeit?

Oh, yeah, schlafenszeit.
Anything you say.

No, no, no.
Wh-What are you doing?

Sleepy time.

- I'm going to bed now.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

- I'm sleepy.
- Oh, no, no, stay. We'll cuddle.

We'll cuddle.
We'll cuddle.
Ooh, /'m falling
