Out Cold

Anna's getting married...
to some rich, asswipe
doctor dude named Barry.

- He's coming in day after tomorrow.
- Ouch!

- Thanks, man.
- No, I got molested by a hot tub
last night.

- It's a long story.
- Oh.

You know what I really hate
about this chick is that I... I think...

I know that I'm in love with her,
and it sucks.

- Well, have you told her this?
- No, not really.

Well, listen, you've got to. And you
gotta do it before it's too late...

before she becomes
Mrs Doctor Asswipe.

Otherwise, you're gonna
regret it your whole life.

No regrets:
that's my motto.

That and
"Everybody Wang Chung tonight."

You know what? You're right.
You are absolutely right.
I'm not gonna
let Anna get away again.

When this Barry guy gets here,
I'm gonna have to face him.

And I'm gonna look at him,
I'm gonna tell him
like a sensible, mature adult...

"Finders keepers,
losers weepers, pal."

- I'll have to work on that one, but...
- And if he doesn't like it...

we'll kick his ass.
Attention, all guests.
Where's Jenny?
- Come on. You're going back in line.
- I don't wanna go.

Hey, fellas.
Great day, isn't it?

Man, who the hell are you?
I'm the new Team Snownook
patrol leader.

Keepin' it real,
while keepin' it safe.

You on the roof,
knock off the grab-ass.

- What the hell is going on here?
- Don't you eyeball me!

Hey, Luke, why don't you mind
your own beeswax...

before my fist makes an appointment
with your ass?

Eric, have you ever noticed
that you're always talking about
putting something up my ass?

And that time
it wasn't even a threat.

- Technically, that was flirting.
- Hey, grab them for me.

Wait a second. Wait a second.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
