Where you going with the bull?
Eric. Eric!
Talk to the horn.
Where are you taking the bull?
Listen. I have had it
with these jackass employees of yours.
This morning there was a boy with
his little Elvis stuck in my hot tub.
- Now, how in the hell does that happen?
- Well, the jets can feel quite nice...
Stop talking.
Effective immediately...
I'm taking some steps
to clean this place up.
Poured out a perfectly good beer.
And that Czech guy over here decides...
Mm, I love that smell.
That's the smell
of you all getting fired.
- What?
- Fired? What?
Welcome to your first
random drug test.
- I'll need you to fill these cups.
- Go make tinkle, or it's your job.
I don't have to write a test
to tell you that I take drugs.
Pig Pen, you go to the bathroom
in the cup.
Okay! Jeez!
You are way too into this.
Drink up, half-pint.
Pig Pen, I will have your ass!
- How you doing?
- That's all right.
- Thanks a lot.
Ladies, how you doing?
Ladies! Ladies!
- Whoa. Private party tonight, guys.
- We're cool, man.
- We're regulars here. Just ask Lance.
- Yeah.
What part of"private party"
did you miss?
Everybody have fun tonight
Hey there, Rick.
Nice monkey suit.
Wow. I barely even recognize
this place.
- Yeah, a little facelift.
- Can I get a beer?
Hey, Village Person, why don't you be
a macho man and cut me some limes, huh?