Pearl Harbor

All right, Danny.
Now, let's show 'em how to fly.

We're gonna play chicken.
You ready?

This ain't the farm,
and these ain't no crop dusters.

- I'm not playing chicken with ya.
- Now don't be a baby.
I'll tell you what.

- I'm not doing it, Rafe.
- Well, I'm coming right at you.

You can turn oryou can hit me.
It's up to you.

- What the--
- Oh, boy.

Why you always
bustin' my ass, Rafe?

Which way you goin'?
I guess I'll go right.
No, left. I'll go left.

- Okay, we're goin' left, right?
- Uh, right. Right?

""Right'' like we're going right
or ""right'' like we're going left?

Now you got me all mixed up!
I don't know. Make up your mind.

God, Rafe, we're going right!

Those are some smooth aces.
Did you say something?
'Cause let me tell ya,
those farm boys are grounded!

Yes, sir, an entirely unacceptable use
of m-m-military aircraft, sir.

- Get my hat.
- Yes, sir.

Get those hedge-hoppers
in Doolittle's offiice.

After two years oftraining...
you believe that a $45,000 aeroplane
is there foryour amusement?

No, sir. I wasjust trying
to keep my edge, Major.

And when you did the outside loop
last week, what did you think that was?

Honing your skills?
That's not training, McCawley.
That's a stunt.

And I personally consider it
to be reckless and irresponsible.

How could that be when you're famous
for being the fiirst man in the world
ever to do it?

- Don't get cute with me, son.
- No, sir. I--

I don't mean to be disrespectful.
I just think that-- Well, I--

It is reckless and irresponsible if
you'rejust doing it to be a show-off.

But I was doing it
to try to inspire the men, sir...

in the way that
you've inspired me.

I believe the French
even have a word for that...

when the men get together
to honour their leaders.

They call it an homage, sir.
- A what?
- An homage, sir.
