Read the bottom line again, please,
but read it right to left...
and every other letter.
- X-E.
- X-E.
X-E, ma'am.
Ma'am, I know how this looks.
I'm sorry, Lieutenant.
I really am...
but army and navy
requires 20/20 vision.
Oh, I-- It's not a problem
with my eyes. I mean, I can see.
I mean, I can hit a running rabbit
with a $3.00 pistol.
I got a problem with letters,
that's all.
Well, maybe after some schooling,
you could come back
and take the test again.
No, I had schooling.
I mean, the teachersjust
never knew what to make of it.
It'sjust letters.
I mix 'em up sometimes. That's all.
I mean, I just get 'em
backward sometimes.
Look here. My math and spacial reasoning
and my verbal scores are all excellent.
But you barely passed
the written exam.
Yeah, but he did pass it.
So is it my turn now?
- No, you'll wait your turn.
- Yes, ma'am.
Ma'am, I'm never gonna be
an English teacher.
But I know why I'm here:
to be a pilot.
And you don't dogfiight with manuals.
You don't fly with gauges.
It is all about feeling and speed...
and lettin' that plane become
like a part ofyour body.
And that manual says that a guy who's
a slow reader can't be a good pilot.
That fiile says
I'm the best pilot in this room.
Ma'am, please,
don't take my wings.
Well, I felt so bad.
Evelyn, rotate to station three.
I had no choice.
I passed him.
So then this cocky pilot
comes back.
- Say, fella, are you enlisted?
- Yeah.
Boy, you're talking to an offiicer.
- Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.
- Give me that fiile.
- Yes, sir.
- Parade rest.
Yes, sir.
Ma'am, I didn't get
a chance to thankyou.
Drop your skivvies.
Oh. Okay.