Pearl Harbor

Just like this?
That's fiine.
He did have a very cute butt.
You know, I know you didn't have
to pass me, and you did.

And I just-- I didn't think
you'd understand, and you did.

You know, you still
haven't said thankyou.

- Thankyou.
- You're welcome.

Why'd you do it?
I mean, I'm just curious.

You're like my hero now.
Actually, my father was a pilot...
and I've seen fiirsthand what happens
when a pilot loses his wings.

You know what?
Your father's my hero then too.

In fact, as an offiicer,
I think it'd be my duty...

to take my new hero's daughter out
tonightjust to--

- Gosh, did I poke too deep?
- I thinkyou hit the bone there.

You are so mean.
What, so is-- so is there any chance
that you might kind of, sort of...

you know, like me, or--
How did you guess?
They never taught us how
to deal with this feeling.

What feeling?
Well, it's kind of like this.
Well, he was getting fresh,
so I poked him again.

All right, Romeo.
I want to get this over with.

Hold on a second.
Miss, I really, really lickyou.
Ah! What did he mean?
Like you.
I didn't mean to say that.
And I just, um...

I just want to askyou, please,
if I can donate dinner.

He started to act very strange.
Or, well, buy you dinner.
- This isn't your chart.
- Whoa!

No. That's the, uh, this fellow
over here's. I think he left.

Have you already
had this shot?

Yeah, well, once already.
Well, I wanted-- I mean, I just--
can I askyou out?

And hejust went wham!
