And then I kissed him.
Evelyn, that's the most romantic story
I ever heard.
It's been the most romantic
four weeks and two days of my life.
I'm sojealous.
Hello, Lieutenant.
It's good to see you.
- You, too, Lieutenant.
- Pick a hand.
It's beautiful.
What's in your other hand?
Well, it took me six hours
to fold these.
I want you to meet
my friends.
Rafe, this is Martha,
Barbara, Sandra.
- Hi. I'm Betty.
- Hi.
Would you happen
to have any friends?
Take your pick.
We ever get in this war
and somethin' happens to me...
I can't tell you how good
it makes me feel to know...
that someone as sweet as you will
be there to nurse me back to health.
Good, but we're not
in the waryet.
Okay. That was a bad line.