Planet of the Apes

[Woman On P.A.]LieutenantBeaudry,
pleasereport to Engineering.

to Engineering.

[ Chittering ]
[ Hooting ]
- ''F'' to ''E.'' Good.
- Easy now. Slow down.

- Yes.
- That's it.

We did ityesterday.
Hey, thereyou are.
What ? Was the Homo sapien
mean toyou again ?

We all know it'sjust
rocket envy, don't we ?

Ever consider
an actual boyfriend ?

You mean do I enjoy
being miserable ?

No, thanks. I'll
stickwith my chimps.

[ Whimpers ]
- I'm teaching him.
- No, you're teasing him.

He's a state-of-the-art monkey.
He can handle it.

When you frustrate them, they lose
focus. They get confused, even violent.

[ Hooting ]
Hey, congratulations, Pericles.
You're gonna be a daddy.

Thought I saw
a smirk on his face.

Actually, the female
was theaggressive one.

Hey, Leo.
You got a postcard.

- [ Beeps ]
- [ Shouting ] Leo ! Leo !

Leo, it'sbeen twoyears. Whenareyou
gonna comehome ? Wemissyou!

Don't come home too quick.
I'm really enjoying that apartment.

- No ! We miss you !
- Are they letting you flyyet ?

-Are the chimps doingall the work ?

[ Cheering ]
Hey, Leo, when you gonna make
that kind ofcommitment ? You--

[Electricity Crackling]
[Electricity Crackling]
[ Chittering ]
[ Hooting ]
[Man On P.A.]Captain
Davidson, report to thebridge.
