[ Nickers ]
It's disgusting
the way they treat humans.
Demeans us as much as them.
[ Whinnies ]
Ari, let's go.
Let's get 'em marked !
I got orders to fiill !
[Woman Groaning]
- No !
- Quiet !
[ Sighs ]
Oh, no, notyou again.
You know me. Just can't
stand bywhile human beings...
are being mistreated,
tortured, mutilated.
The only reason I put up with your
nonsense is because ofyour father !
Hey, ifyou want me to stop,
give upyour fiilthy business.
Hey, I do thejob
that nobody else wants.
Besides, I don't see
any ofyou bleeding hearts...
spendingall day with these
dangerous, dirty, dumbbeasts.
They can be taught to live with us
as equals, and I'm gonna prove it.
Don't do that.
Don't do that.
- Don't do--
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Growling ]
- Stay back.
Well, now,
there's your proof.
Now I'm gonna have
to put him down.
[ Whispers ]
Help me. Please.