Please help me.
You are giving me
such a headache.
[ Gasping ]
I don't need
this aggravation !
Sell him to me.
Areyou crazy ?
He's wild. They're both wild.
- Then I'll buy them both.
- Oh, now, that would be expensive.
That wouldbe
very, very expensive.
I'm sure we can, you know,
come to a deal.
- [ Purrs ]
- No ?
[ Purrs ]
Deliver them to my house.
Semos, helpme.
- [DoorOpens]
- Rise when your master enters.
Wild humans in my house ?
Wild humans in my house ?
Different ? How could he be different ?
You can't tell one from the other.
- [Bell Dings]
- My guests are here.
Keep thesavage ones outofsight.
from General Thade !
benice tohim !
And wash your hands
before dinner.
- Senator Nado, good evening.
- [ Mutters ]
My dear, you look lovely.
My dear, you look lovely.
but I'm having a bad hair day.