Planet of the Apes

Please, everyone sit.
How was it ?
- Boring.
- I fiind it relaxing...

beingaway from
the franticpace ofthe city.

I wantedtogo out,
but there wasnoplace togo.

Nothing but
trees and rocks.

- All you did was nap.
- Exactly.

A bitoftimeaway frompolitics is
whatisneededfora wearysoullikeme.

Ah, we usedto
lose ourselves...

for days in the rain forest
when we wereyoung.

Now I can barely
climb a tree.

Tritebut true,
youth is wastedon theyoung.

[ Growls ]
Oh, how did I get so old so fast ?
Living withyour daughter, Senator,
wouldageanyape quickly.

You've long been
a stranger in our house.

I apologize for my lateness, Senator.
[ Growls ]

I stopped to see my father.
- How is my old friend doing ?
- Slipping, I'm afraid.

I'd like to spend more time
with him, but these are troubled days.

The humans
infest the provinces.

Yes, because our cities
encroach upon their habitat.

They breed too quicklywhile
we grow soft in our affluence.

fourto one.

Why can't the government
simply sterilize them all ?

The cost would

our scientists do tell me...

these humans carry terrible diseases.
How would we know that ?
The army burns the bodies
before they're examined.

[ Growls ]
Father ?
[ Growls ]
Uh, at times perhaps...
the Senate feels that the army
has been a tad extreme.
