Planet of the Apes

[ Gasps ]
I thoughtyou guys
were afraid ofwater.

Two dead monkey--
apes-- apes down
at the bottom.

Someone else
knows you're here.

[ Beeping ]
- What is that ?
- It's a messenger.

Keeps an open frequency
with my ship so I can talk to them.

What, it talks ?
- With radio waves.
- Sorcery.

It's not sorcery.
It's science.

[ Gasps ]
[ Beeping ]
I have contact.
Jesus, they're already here.

They must be waiting for me.
The messenger has a homing beacon
that will lead us to them.

We're in control now.
We're the 800-pound gorilla.

[ Grunts ]
Who areyou ?
Captain Leo Davidson,
a pilot in the U.S. Air Force.

- I come from a planet called Earth.
- Your apes permityou to fly ?

Our apes live in zoos.
They do what we tell them.

[ Growls ]
