Pokémon 3: The Movie

I'm impressed, Ash. You are one
of the toughest trainers I've ever seen.

Thanks, Lisa, but you almost beat me.
This is Ash's fifth battle this week.
His Pokemon are getting pretty tired.

Lisa, would you know if there is
a Pokemon Center anywhere around here?

There is one just over the mountains
in Greenfield.

Just over the mountains in....
Everyone's heard of Greenfield.

I've wanted to see it since I was little.
Me, too! And I know
the quickest way to get there.

Greenfield is a beautiful little town
with beautiful gardens...

...and a beautiful mountain
with a beautiful mansion right at the top.

Yes, everything in Greenfield is beautiful.
Everything is beautiful in Greenfield, huh?
Then I can't wait to see all the girls!
You can see Greenfield
from up at the top of the hill.
