Pootie Tang

As he grew...
everyone noticed something different
about the way Pootie would talk.

It baffled everyone--
doctors, scientists.

Let me break it down
to you like this.

Pootie Tang is, was
and will always be...

too cool for words.
Pootie Tang was
the most popular kidin town.

We didn't always know
what he was saying...

but we always knew
what he meant.

Like I knew I was his best friend.
That's me. Trust me.

Yeah, he had
a special effect on people...

especially on the ladies.
Not girls. Grown-ass women.
- Hiya, Pootie Tang.
- I'm a tine cappy, my damie.

- All right, Pootie Tang.
- But for some of the ladies...

Pootie was just
too hot to handle.

Damn you, Pootie Tang!
I can't take no more of this!
Who do you think you are,
treatin' me this way?

I've had it with you! You hear me
talkin' to you with your nappy head!

This is it!
I'm finished with you!

Get out of my life,
Pootie Tang!

You think I'm jokin'?
Take your shit!

Take your shit and get out,
Pootie Tang! I'm sick of you!

Pootie-- Pootie, don't go.
Pootie Tang
was an only child.

His father, Daddy Tang,
worked hard to raise Pootie right.

He had this belt.
He was so fast with that belt...

that before Pootie could do wrong,
Daddy Tang would set him right.

Don't you grab them peas
without askin' your mama, boy.

May I dane on the cherries,
Mama Di?

Yes, you may, Pootie Tang.
That's better.
You got to have respect
to get respect, Pootie Tang.
