Pootie Tang

Pootie, the craziest thing
just happened to me.

I'm in the club, man.
I'm-- Pootie, look out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Everything under control?

Kayed a brother, di.
Kayed a brother, di!
I'm a shamey day!
I'm a shamey day!
Oh, it hurts Pootie
to kill a man...

but he knows
he's got to do it.

But it hurts him so bad...
to right those wrongs.
My man Pootie Tang!
Come back
on the bettie tai!

Come back on
the bettie tai!

Come back
on the bettie tai!

Hey, all right, my damie.
Why didn't Trucky tell Pootie that
he told Ireenie all his business?

Just runnin' his mouth.
I guess when you see a man
being brought back from the dead...

you forget shit.
Or maybe you just
a dumb-ass.

Stop the movie. Remember when
Daddy Tang told little Pootie--

Don't let the ladies
come between you and the belt.

Well, what Daddy Tang forgot to tell
Pootie was about his only weakness.:

