My spies has placed him
here in England.
Don't worry about Robin,
l will take care of him.
You have my word.
Where's my food?
l thought you might be
riding with Glen.
Tuck say she can take a jump
as well as you and me.
You know time Will,
-She's not a child any more.
l can see that Will.
Talk to her.
We leave tomorrow.
What do you want me to do?
Stay behind watch a girl
jump off a horse?
And for that Richard's Kingdom
falls to John?
Kill two bears with one stone
Let me ride with you to meet Philip.
My horse can take the
edge on the way.
And England will be safe.
One stone.
Very clever.
Just like her old man...
-Now I see.
Like her mother and everything else.
You look some spirit.
-Thank you Will,
When I return,
we have more time we'll talk...
To catch up.
You said that to me so many times.
I'll lost count.
And for that I'm sorry.
-You needn't to be sorry.
Let me go with you?
This ain't some kind of game Gwyn...
John has his spies everywhere.
I'm sure they are watching the dock
I've got enough to worry about.
Don't you be there as well.
l wouldn't be a worry.
I'll be a help.
l can step in a willow in 50
paces watch!
Gwyn, No!
There'll be another time I promise.
That's what you think.
I'm begging for the chance to
meet the king.
That's enough,
you watch your tongue!
What's right have you got
to thrives me?
Where were you when I was
learning speech?
l speak anything I like!
-No, I still your father you won't.
How many times have I begged
to go with you?
How many times have you told me?
The highway has no life for a child?
Look at me!
Do you see a child?
-You're behaving like a child.
A grown woman isn't foohish
to argue like this.
lf I was a son,
you will take me with you.