l think you handled it all...very well.
This isn't some fair ground
tornament Will.
Putting Philip on the throne
would be dangerous.
Stop back!
-Yes, your highness?
Stop the coach!
Countess Tountelot's perfume is
choking me. Not for a moment longer.
She keeps moving your highness?
Philip sorry.
l know!
l want you to comes inside
with me to play cards.
No jokes.
-Perhap a moment
You'll be alright,
you'll see.
l noticed I have to wear a crown
Public life holds a new charm.
That cos you haven't try it yet sir!
Comes with a castle
with lots of servant.
Good food...
Good women.
You left out up rising ferment wars,
and plague...
We all suffered those...
But the king is expected to do
something about them
Duties makes my head aches.
We have lost the leap.
No madam, he's right here with us.
Get back to the carriage immediately!
It is not safe!
-We're still in France Countess.
King John's has the spies everywhere!
Please! Get back to the carriage.