Prozac Nation

I've been writing forever. I have to.
How long has it been
since you stopped writing?

About a month.
Do you remember
the first thing you wrote?

A poem.
A poem. About what?
My dad.
Can you remember anything it said?
I told you, I don't wanna
talk about my childhood.

I just... I feel so stupid,
sitting in therapy.

People have much harder
childhoods than mine.

We're not talking about others.
We're talking about you.

I'll give her that much.
I'm the problem.
I worry about being in therapy.
I worry about not being in therapy.
I even worry I'm not entertaining
enough for Dr. Sterling.

I just keep thinking that
if I could just be normal...

...if I could just get out of bed in the
morning, everything would be okay.

Well, what do you think normal is?
Most people, they cut themselves,
they put a Band-Aid on, keep going.

And what do you do?
I just keep bleeding.
So you think being normal is having
a wound, putting a patch on it...

...then go on with your life?
Isn't that what functioning is?
Isn't that what living is?
You know, you keep going,
no matter what happens to you.

Is that the way you wanna live?
Oh, come on, now, honey.
Why don't you tie up your hair
anymore? Your face is so pretty.
