There´s something strange
about this silent village -
and its f our-legged inhabitants.
There´s nothing strange about it.
This is exactly what our Chief saw
in his dream, y ou f ool.
There´s something strange here.
Rolli! Where on earth do y ou think
y ou´re going again?
You hairy f aces can sleep side
by side. I want to loll in peace.
l´ve heard all that bef ore!
Go f ind y ourself a place
like the rest of us -
and stop going solo, y ou hippie.
You think y ou´re something special,
don´t y ou?
Hey everybody, there´s a sauna here!
-A sauna!
It´s horrify ing and unpleasant
and hot! -A smoke sauna!
Does it make y our ey es sting? Great.
-This is ex cellent!
Upon my mud gruel and porridge!
I shall make that my home.