Who will be the new Chief?
Big, of course.
Fine, that´s 1-0.
Good. Doc?
That´s right. Face?
Right. Merchant?
This is not right,
there´s some mischief going on.
How about y ou,
what do y ou think?
You´d be a good choice, Cacophony.
-Write that down.
But naturally I vote f or Big.
-Attention, attention!
Don´t y ou get it?
You voters are being provoked
and manipulated.
Your behaviour is being controlled.
Don´t y ou get it?
You f ools,
y ou pigheaded ugly twats!
You can choose who y ou like.
You´II get what y ou deserve.
And y ou, y ou brainless boor -
y ou thick-headed buck-ey ed seal -
y ou hairy-f aced monster tyrant -
can´t y ou get it? That rat
is using y ou, y ou idiot.
That´s enough,
I don´t need to listen to this.
Oh dear, good heavens,
goodness gracious me!