Rölli ja metsänhenki

Where have y ou been? l´ve been
looking f or y ou everywhere.

Have y ou now?
-Listen, l´ve witnessed a miracle.

The Old Chief
turned into a bird-thing.

Oops, and he disappeared.
Another oops, and he was a bird.

You´re the one who´s a bird here,
y ou magpie.

You didn´t vote f or me,
y ou croaking hairy-eared gap-tooth.

And y ou call y ourself my friend.
But I am y our friend.

What a nice hat y ou have there.
Is it a real turban?
-A turban... Oh, right...

Trolls, y ou goggle-ey ed creatures,
show some respect f or the new Chief.

Do act y our rank, y ou elephant.
Your lovely big Grace, the headpiece
only emphasises y our status.

Like this. A tad of dignity,
if I may suggest.

Trolls, our new leader
will make a speech now.
